Micah's Musings: An Introduction

Hello there!Welcome to my little corner of the internet that I’ve decided to refer to as “Micah’s Musings.” In this blog, I will pour out my heart, soul, and jumble of ideas and emotions on a wide variety of topics. (Yes, that is another way of saying “Here is a blog of Micah’s random thoughts.”) I realize that my little blog may not change opinion on major issues, and it won’t solve the world’s problems, so my hope is this:I want “Micah’s Musings” to inspire thought, whether in agreement or disagreement with my ideas. In a generation that no longer thinks for themselves, I hope I can inspire others to reclaim their own thoughts, and as a result, become catalysts for change in their spheres of life.Is that a lofty ambition? Maybe. But setting goals is the beginning of change. I hope that you, reader, are challenged to consider your own ideas, regardless of whether or not that means becoming further solidified in your beliefs or whether it means considering a new angle. While like all writers, I do have a bias, I try to present objective information and ideas along with my bias. Please take the freedom to share your thoughts with me via the comments section—I look forward to reading them! New posts will appear on Mondays (partially because it’s the first day of the week and partially because I like the sound “Micah’s Musings Mondays.”)


Micah’s Musings: Learning to Rest


Micah's Musings: The Issue of "Church Culture"