Holiday with Hannah: A Christmas Interview


I met Hannah over the summer when we were fellow publishing interns at David C Cook. Since our days of copy editing camaraderie, she has become a dear friend whose company I treasure.Our autumn tradition, which carried into the holiday season, was to spend Friday afternoons sampling local coffee shops, discussing books, and going on random adventures.As our final coffee date in December, before she moved to Texas to become Mrs. Zello, we decided to do a Christmas interview. Although it's no longer the holiday season, the interview (a culmination of our time together) is nonetheless worth documenting.

Share with me a few things people should know about you:

"Well, I'm from Texas and am moving back to San Antonio after Christmas to become Mrs. Zello in March. [Insert my sentimental response to Hannah getting married here.] My favorite color is purple, and I have a fondness for sheep."[Upon hearing about Hannah's love for sheep, I paused our interview to show her pictures of Valais sheep. Go ahead, click on the link. You're welcome.]When I had finished interrupting myself, I asked Hannah about her future aspirations:"My five-year goal is to publish a science fiction novel that ties in themes from faith and brings hope to people." (Hannah most certainly has the talent to write such a novel, and I'm excited for the day when I can hold a copy in my hands and read her work.)

Transitioning into the holiday portion of the interview, I'd love to hear about some of your Christmas favorites.

"My favorite Christmas song would either have to be 'O Holy Night' (a favorite we share) because of the minor key and other-worldly quality about it or 'Sleigh Ride' for its nostalgic, detailed vignettes about the Christmas season.Elf is my favorite Christmas movie.My grandmother used to make these 'tricked-out thumbprint cookies' with coconut, and they've come to be my favorite Christmas cookies."

Fondest Christmas memory?

"Hmmm, growing up we had two Christmases. On Christmas Eve, we celebrated at home with my immediate family. On Christmas Day, we'd celebrate with all of our extended family for a big family Christmas full of gifts, food, singing, and joy. I loved both of them for the precious time I got to spend with family." 

If you could travel anywhere for Christmas, all expenses paid, where would you go?

"I've always wanted to visit Atlanta! I think it would be neat to spend the holiday in a new place experiencing the culture with people I care deeply about."

Since you asked me the controversial question of whether or not I like Hallmark Christmas movies, I'm also curious to hear your answer.

"You know, I'd say that I enjoy good-naturedly picking flaws in Hallmark movies in a playfully affectionate way."

On a more serious note, what is your least favorite thing about Christmas?

"I'd have to say my least favorite thing about the season is how we've made Christmas a production at the expense of simplicity and authenticity. So often, I see the holiday becoming a competition of decorating and celebrating which results in losing the spirit of simply giving because Jesus gave." (I Iove her wisdom in this answer.)

If given the opportunity for creative Christmas expression on a larger scale (i.e. writing a book, producing a movie, etc.), what would that look like?

"I would write a Sci-Fi Christmas story about people on spaceship and how they bond through decorating for and celebrating the Christmas season. The story— The Christmas Ship — would explore the broader themes of humanity, genuine hospitality, and love." (How creative is she?)

To end on a fun note, I'd love to hear both about the craziest thing you ever asked Santa for and what you'd ask him for this year.

"I don't think I ever asked for anything too crazy—just lots of Barbies. If I could ask Santa for something this year, it would be a publishing job with a positive work atmosphere and work-life balance!" (I've seen the work Hannah is capable of—any publishing company would be lucky to have her talent on their team!) 


A Lenten Prayer

