Even When He Doesn't


“Even when he doesn’t.”

This language from Daniel 3 pierces my soul, bringing to light the lapses in my human ability to trust. I utter confident prayers, submitting requests for provision and healing, asking for His will to be done—and yet, refusing to remember that sometimes the expanse of His will is far broader than my own desires.

My selfish will pushes me to hold tightly to control, reminding the Lord of exactly what I want, how I want it to happen, and in what time frame. Holding to my plan erects a false sense of safety. Holding to my plan doesn’t require full trust. Holding to my plan mandates that he submit to my will, rather than the opposite.

“Even when he doesn’t,” though, is language that arises from the story of Daniel, a story of oppression and deeply rooted trust in the Lord that proclaims His plan is greater than temporary comfort or relief from oppression.

"If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand. But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up."
(Daniel 3:17-18)

Daniel and his friends face death in a fiery furnace for integrity in their faith, and they still choose trust. And yet, how often do opt out of trust at the earliest warning sign of discomfort? In a phase of life where so much of my future is uncertain, I contrive plans, pray desperate prayers, and operate in a frequent state of anxiety. I operate in fear and stress far more frequently than rest and trust. I cannot imagine the fear that must have gripped the hearts of Daniel and his friends, the courage required to believe in the Lord’s goodness, even when they couldn’t feel His presence or see His hand at work. And yet, they still proclaim, “Even when he doesn’t.” 

“Even when he doesn’t.”

 Lord, let this be the cry of my surrendered, trusting heart.

Lord, I trust that you are my provider and will supply all I need, but I choose to keep trusting…even if your provision looks different than I expected. Father, I believe in your ability to heal and restore, but I choose to continue believing…even if you don’t heal in the way I wanted. Jesus, I know you are with me and working things together for my good, but I choose to hold fast to this knowledge…even when I can’t feel your presence.

These are the courageous prayers that require opening my tightly-closed fists and surrendering everything I hold so tightly. These are the prayers that help transform my heart and mind to resemble Daniel’s.

My prayer is that rather than living in fear and control, I will choose the trust and surrender Daniel demonstrates. I choose to believe in His goodness and ability to do anything I ask...even if He doesn't. 


The Struggle of Stillness


Worthy of it All