Open Letter to My Dear Friend Caleb


Dear Caleb,I miss you. A lot.During a workout today at the UCCS gym, my attention was continually drawn to the corner where we last worked out together...the last time I saw you. Like today, that day was arm day, and in spite of my protesting being too tired and weak to finish, you encouraged me to push through.You held my ankles up for "hand stand push-ups" in that sun-filled corner, and though you accidentally let go too soon, (and I gave you so much grief for dropping me on my head) the amount of laughter we shared made it worth a crash landing on the mat.That was the day you kept singing "Let's Get Down to Business" from Mulan as you pushed me to do a few more reps, held my ankles for a couple more pull-ups, and made silly jokes to keep me going through the whole routine.You see, one of the most wonderful things about you was the fact that you believed in people and saw the best in them, even when they couldn't see it themselves. You knew how to propel them forward with jokes and laughter and encouragement, leaving people better than you left them.Caleb, you always had a smile or a funny comment, making each person you interacted with feel at ease, letting them know they were important and that they mattered by merely being yourself. Regardless of my circumstances or mood, you never failed to bring me joy. I miss that.As I stood on the stair climber today, looking at that same empty, sun-filled corner, I remembered that I'd never see you there again. Caleb, I got into my car this afternoon and let the tears stream from an overflow of grief, sorrow that you're gone, and confusion about why it had to be you.I could go on for extensive paragraphs about what a dear friend and older brother figure you were to me, but I'll leave it at this: I pray the Lord gives you a window to see how greatly you're missed by so many people, and though I won't see you again this side of heaven, our eventual reunion will be joyful and full of laughter.So, goodbye for now, Caleb....I miss you. 




My Life as a Highly Sensitive Person