Beauty in the Brokenness


If ever there’s been a year to find beauty in the brokenness, it’s 2020.

There's a reason I've been quiet on the blog for a while. In the month of November, I did my first NaNoWriMo. In lieu of writing a story, I began documenting the trauma and abuse from having a mentally ill parent who didn’t want to get better. 

For years, I didn’t know how to talk about it. I was afraid of the consequences of telling the truth, ashamed I’d let myself be taken advantage of for so long. 

But we can never truly move forward, never become who we were created to be, until we reconcile with the past. 

I’ve been through years of counseling, but I've still carried pieces of the past like poison close to my heart. And so I wrote. To get it out. To tell the truth. To make sense of it all. To write the book I needed to read when things felt dark. And maybe, hopefully, to help others feel less alone as they walk through their own dark spaces. 

Freedom and healing are rarely the easy choice,  but they’re always the best one. 

I’ve found such peace in being who God made me to be, rather than who I was told I needed to be in order to be loved. 

As I edit this manuscript in the coming months, my prayer is that my words and experiences will help someone else be brave, find freedom, and discover the beauty of healing.

But for now, I’m reveling in gratitude for a God who never left my side, who strengthened me to walk in wholeness, who made me brave enough to tell my story. 

Whatever your story, friends, I hope you’re brave enough to tell it too. 


I wrote a book!


Exploring the Gray: Politics