An open letter to the woman who feels like she’s never enough:



Dear friend,I’ve been there. Some days, I feel the call and purpose of my life fill me like a surge of electricity, a surge that begins in my heart, and with every beat, travels to the very edges of my physical being. In these moments of electric energy, I am unstoppable and indestructible: my purpose is so much a part of me that no doubt or outside voice can destroy the life inside of me……but the thing about these electric lightning storms is that they are just that: storms. Intervals. Exceptions to the rule of the metaphorical weather patterns that are my life. The bursts of lightning ignite me with a rush, and while I am still filled with the volts of electricity, I resemble the Energizer Bunny: obnoxiously full of seemingly continual energy. But when that surge inevitably fades, when the weather shifts from a lightning storm and slows to a mellow drizzle of gray, misty raindrops with nary sunbeam in sight, I find myself suffering from an amnesia of sorts. The electricity that fueled my purpose has gone, and before the rainbow of continual assurance appears, there is sometimes a period of mundane calm.In this period of calm between the storm and the promise of the future, I begin to ask questions. Questions that, deep down, I already know the answers to, but find myself asking anyway. Am I doing enough? I don’t seem to be as on top of my life as [insert name here]—what else should I be doing with my life to measure up? If I’m more [insert word here, i.e. ‘smart, athletic, outgoing’], will people like me more?These questions rob me of energy and electricity…like the effect of a magnet on a battery: whatever charge remains inside the unit is instantly zapped by a life-sucking force.For all the women (and men) having the life sucked out of them by questions…by feelings of inadequacy…remember that the force behind the lightning storms is far more powerful than the pull of the magnet. The God of the universe who speaks the earth into motion and places the electricity into the skies with a single word is capable of sustaining that electricity, but only if we let him. When we come before him, his voice will drown out the questions that eat our souls from the inside out. His love will part the cloudy skies and rainy drizzle, bringing new life and light unto our path.Freewill is a tricky thing. With our humble request, He will re-ignite the light and spark in our lives. By positioning our hearts to receive from him, the course of our trajectory can be altered drastically…but the heart is stubborn. My heart is stubborn.In the places of gray and rainy drizzle, the places of questions and uncertainty, the places of self-doubt and inadequacy, though…those are the places where I see God the most. In the heaviest rain and stormiest skies, his life-giving light and electricity break through in the most powerful ways. In those breakthroughs, I see the rainbow glimmering on the edge of the horizon.So, friends, when you are in the place of having your purpose sucked out of you by the lies of the enemy, position your hearts in a place of humility before the king. Let the promise of His love and electricity of His purpose speak new life and joy into your heart. Listen to His voice and know that in Him, you are enough… …You are enough.



Lessons from a Utah Desert


My Heart Story: A Reflection