A Benediction of Rest

May you breathe in deeply and slowly, releasing the urgencies of the day for the slow, unhurried way of God.

May you name your anxieties as you lay them at His feet, trusting in His mighty power to work on your behalf, even as you rest.

May you stop striving, knowing that you are already loved and chosen—you do not have to earn His affections.

May you bring your sorrows to God, knowing He holds you in His mighty right hand and collects all your tears in His bottle.

May your heart and mind be guarded against the enemy’s lies and schemes by the truth and life of your Savior’s great love for you.

May your mind be secure in the knowledge that your worth is not in the things you accomplish or in how well you perform. You are deeply loved simply because you are His child.

May you release the control of all you carry tightly, choosing to loosen your hold as you trust He can work all things for your good.

May your fears be quelled knowing that the Lord of angel armies is with you—fighting your battles and working on your behalf—even in the darkness before the dawn.

May you remember He isn’t disappointed with you. Instead, may you awaken to the delight your Heavenly Father takes in you, His beloved child. 

May you rejoice that He is making all things new, even when you cannot see the end result of His work.

May you enter peaceful rest, knowing sleep is not a reward to be earned but rather a gift to be savored.

May you sleep soundly, as a child securely known, loved, and protected by a Heavenly Father whose love for you is unchanging and infinite.

May you awaken refreshed by the true rest of body and soul that only He can offer.

May this gift of sleep equip you to abide in Him in the day to come.



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